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Parent Volunteers

We rely on parents to serve as volunteers to ensure the success and continuation of our activity program. Parents will be asked to sign up to help with admissions and concession stand. Coaches may also ask parents to volunteer to work the scoreboard and/or scorebook. To show our appreciation, parent volunteers will get into the game for free the night they work.


Arrive 30 minutes prior to the 1st game.

We are charging admission for 5/6th games (if any are scheduled).

Admission Prices

Adults (including High School/College Students)- $3

Students (K-8)/Seniors- $2

Parents who attend games are required to pay admission unless they are volunteering to work that night.

CEL Students/CEL Staff/Coach’s Spouse- Free

*Parent volunteers for admissions or concession stand get into the game for free the night they work.

Concession Stand

Please arrive at 30 minutes before the first game to set up the concession stand.

The concession stand will open as soon as it is ready. It will be open between games and at half time only. The concession stand will close after the end of the first game of the 8th grade match for volleyball and after half time of the 8th grade game for basketball.

Coaches will send around a sign-up sheet for parents. If you are unable to work your scheduled time, please find your own replacement.

Players are expected to sit in the gym as a team and cheer on their teammates. They should not be helping with the concession stand.

Younger students that are non-players are not allowed behind the concession stand unless their parent is working. They should be in the line of sight of their parent at all times.

Thank you for your involvement and support of CEL athletic programs. It is appreciated.

*Parent volunteers for admissions or concession stand get into the game for free the night they work.

Location of the supplies:

  • Refrigerated drinks are located in the coolers in the concession stand storage area.
  • Non-refrigerated items are in the cabinet across from the coolers.
  • Tables for the concession stand are in the hallway.

Set-Up Instructions

  1. Set up 2-3 tables in the hallway in front of the glass doors.
  2. Set out candy and price sheets.
  3. Roll out the smaller Pepsi drink cooler into the hallway.
  4. Pop popcorn. See directions below.
  5. Get the cash box from the Admissions Worker or CEL Employee.

Clean-Up Instructions

  1. Roll the Pepsi drink cooler back to the storage area.
  2. Put all non-refrigerated items in the storage cabinet across from the Pepsi coolers.
  3. Clean the popcorn machine. See directions below.
  4. Take the tables down and lean against the wall in the hallway.
  5. Give the cash box to the CEL Employee.

Popcorn Instructions:


  1. Turn on all 3 switches (lights warmer, kettle motor, kettle heat) and allow to heat about 4 minutes for 1st batch.
  2. Add 1/3 cup of oil, one cup of popcorn (metal measuring cup), and scant tablespoon of salt (blue scoop).
  3. Dump when popping is about 99% done.
  4. Repeat Step 3 and Step 4. Pop 3 batches and pop more as needed.
  5. Turn the kettle heat and kettle motor OFF as soon as you are done popping corn.
  6. To pop more, start over with step 1.

*Fill bags ¾ of the way full.


  1. Unplug the popcorn machine.
  2. Wipe out excess popcorn and kernels with a paper towel into the trash.
  3. Wipe out the popcorn machine with a wet wipe.
  4. Dump and wipe out the drawer with a paper towel.
  5. Wipe down the cart and clean the measuring supplies and scoop in the Teacher Workroom.

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