Athletic eligibility is checked weekly (Friday or the last attendance day of the week) and runs from Sunday through Saturday. Teachers are required to enter grades each week and grades must be kept up-to-date. Students must maintain a C- or better in all classes to be eligible for extracurricular participation. Anyone receiving a D+ or lower in a class is ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities. Chester-East Lincoln's eligibility guidelines apply to students that participate in activities co-oped with other districts (example: softball and wrestling).
a.) Ineligible players will not practice with the team.
b.) Ineligible players will attend home games only and sit on the bench or with the squad in street clothes.
c.) Ineligible players will not attend away games or contests.
d.) The athletic coordinator will notify the student and will email the first contact in TeacherEase of ineligible players. If you do not have an email address, please notify the office and a paper copy will be mailed to your home address.
e.) Any athlete/participant who is ineligible 3 weeks in a season will be removed from the team for the remainder of the season.
Ineligiblity Letter week 1.pdf
Ineligiblity Letter week 2.pdf
Ineligiblity Letter week 3.pdf